Safety, sustainability, and social responsibility are increasingly important for the maritime sector. RightShip’s Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program aims to unite industry leaders committed to fostering a safer and more sustainable maritime environment. OneCare Group (OCG) is proud to be among these partners, striving to improve seafarer wellbeing and set new standards for safety and operational excellence. This article delves into OneCare Group’s motivations, the challenges their solutions aim to solve, and their aspirations for being part of the Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program.
Why did OneCare Group partner with RightShip’s Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program?
OneCare Group partnered with RightShip’s Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program to join forces with other industry leaders committed to advancing safety, sustainability, and social responsibility within maritime operations. This partnership is a natural extension of OCG’s mission to enhance seafarer well-being and promote operational excellence while contributing to the shared goal of a harm-free maritime environment.
By partnering with the Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program, OCG aims to join a community actively addressing the challenges faced by seafarers and promoting best practices that enhance the wellbeing of maritime professionals. This collaboration allows OCG to further its vision of creating an industry that values its people and the planet.
What key challenges do OneCare Group’s solutions tackle?
Seafarers often deal with challenges such as fatigue, isolation, and health risks while onboard, which can negatively affect their well-being and safety. OneCare Group’s solutions actively address the challenges faced by seafarers and promote critical issues facing the maritime industry, with a primary focus on improving the health and safety of seafarers. These include providing mental and physical health support, ensuring compliance with evolving regulatory standards, and embracing sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact.
OCG aims to significantly reduce risks and contribute to a harm-free maritime industry by prioritising mental health and providing essential health services. Their emphasis on compliance and sustainability also helps maritime organisations meet the increasing expectations of regulators and stakeholders, ensuring their operations align with modern standards of care and responsibility.
What are OneCare Group’s goals for joining the Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program?
OneCare Group’s involvement in RightShip’s Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program will leverage collective expertise to create meaningful change in the maritime sector. The company’s goals include promoting innovative solutions that enhance safety standards and contributing to the industry’s mission of achieving a zero harm environment.
OCG aims to raise seafarer health and safety standards by fostering a culture that values those working at sea. By collaborating with other industry leaders committed to Zero Harm, OCG seeks to establish a framework that makes the maritime sector healthier, safer, and more sustainable for everyone.
OneCare Group’s involvement in RightShip’s Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program demonstrates its unwavering commitment to advancing seafarers' well-being. By focusing on the health and welfare of seafarers, OCG is helping drive progress towards a harm-free maritime environment and supporting the industry's dedication to social responsibility and operational excellence. The Zero Harm Innovation Partners Program represents a collaborative effort to improve seafarers' quality of life and contribute to a safer, more sustainable future for global maritime operations.