Meet the team heading to Posidonia 2024

We’re getting ready for a dynamic and stimulating Posidonia 2024. From June 5th to June 7th, we’ll be at Stand 2.214 in Exhibition Hall 2. We hope you can join us for a chat at the booth.

Here’s the team heading to Posidonia. 


Andrew Roberts, Head of EMEA  

Andrew Roberts is RightShip’s Head of EMEA. With over 20 years of experience as a mariner, he is an advocate for RightShip’s vision of a maritime industry that causes zero harm, seeking to play a pivotal role in engaging with the maritime community to drive safety, social, and environmental transformation of the maritime industry.   

As ever, Andrew will be on hand to discuss all matters RightShip, with a particular focus on how organisations can use data to progress towards environmental, social, and governance goals.  

Andrew is speaking at a joint event with Green-Jakobsen on Using data to drive human performance. The event is on Wednesday 5th June at 12:45 in Posidonia Seminar Room 2A. Register here  to secure your spot.


Saurabh Dasgupta, Chief Commercial Officer 

Saurabh Dashupta is RightShip’s new Chief Commercial Officer and attends Posidonia for the first time. With a 24-year career in commodity sales and marketing, Saurabh has extensive knowledge of the maritime supply chain. Saurabh understands RightShip’s role within the industry, having previously sat on our board of directors. He is on hand to discuss the company's strategy and upcoming developments.  

Saurabh is taking part in a joint event with ZeroNorth to discuss RightShip’s key environmental tools. More details here.  


Taner Umac, Head of Operations EMEA 

Taner Umac leads RightShip’s Operations division in EMEA, overseeing a team of vetting superintendents and marine experts.   

Taner has a decade at sea under his belt, on board chemical and product tankers for ten years, five of which as a master mariner. He’s looking forward to conversations with the industry around our Safety Score, vetting processes, and ways to improve crew welfare at sea.  

He’s looking forward to conversations with the industry around evolving marine assurance standards, Safety Score updates, and ways to improve seafarers’ welfare at sea.  

Taner is joining a panel on Seafarers mental health and wellbeing organised by Learning Seaman. Find more details on the panel here .


Jon Lane 

Jon Lane leads RightShip’s sustainability team, collaborating across departments on key projects like the GHG Rating and Maritime Emissions Portal. With over a decade of experience in environmental management systems, and with time under his belt as a seafarer, Jon is an advocate of achieving a zero harm industry through holistic improvements.   

Jon will be on hand to discuss the GHG Rating and Maritime Emissions Portal, as well as broader sustainability issues. 


Bryher Bailey, Key Account Manager

Key Account Manager Bryher Bailey helps her customers get the most out of their RightShip subscriptions. At Posidonia, she'll be meeting with our major vetting customers, and acting on behalf of Tatyana Taylor by meeting with her clients and introducing them to the wider team. 

Book a one-on-one meeting with Bryher here.  


Suffian Monnan, Key Account Manager

Key Account Manager Suffian Monnan works with ship owners and managers in particular, and helping them get the most from their subscriptions. At Posidonia, he’ll be meeting with customers and introducing them to the wider team.  

Book a one-on-one meeting with Suffian here.