
Marlon Grech

Chief Product and Technology Officer


“The maritime industry is going through a technology and data revolution. There is no better place to be for those that want to leverage technology to contribute to a better tomorrow for safety, sustainability and crew welfare.”

Our first Chief Technology Officer, Marlon joined RightShip following the acquisition in 2022 of Thynk Software, a maritime tech business founded by him in 2013.  

Leading a talented team of developers at Thynk, applying the latest Cloud, user experience (UX), analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, Marlon brings digital transformation and value to customers.   

His experience in London’s financial sector, disruptive technology and UX drives his passion for software, innovation and building products that improve users’ everyday lives. 

Marlon brings vast international experience in both consultancy and product development across multiple sectors. A techie at heart, and previously a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Marlon is an active member of the online technology community.