The value of a vessel can depreciate quickly if involved in a serious incident. Financial institutions need to understand the risk of financing a vessel and carry out comprehensive due diligence of the vessel owner and the vessel itself.

Use RightShip's Safety Score as part of your initial compliance checks and continuous portfolio management. Understand a vessel and company’s relative operational performance through an easy to understand Score out of five.

Safety score features

Third party compliance

Use RightShip’s Safety Score as your part of your robust diligence program to ensure best practise operations have been reviewed through third party compliance checks.

Transparent score

See a clear breakdown of how the vessel and vessel owner’s performance contributes to the overall Safety Score, and select vessels based on specific areas of operational performance to fit your specific due diligence profile.

Five years of operational history

Make informed risk assessment decisions through our database of safety events on a vessel and DOC owner level. Five years of vessel history provides a complete picture of safety practices and performance, aiding well-informed decisions.


When it comes to safety, quality and environmental performance benchmarking, the only comprehensive tool a ship operator has is RightShip. It is vital for us to measure and compare our results. Apart from benchmarking, the live feed of incidents on the tasks menu contains important lessons learnt from across the industry which are always included in our safety bulletins! We are proud to work with RightShip in an effort to improve the safety and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry.

Blue Planet Shipping Ltd

Safety Score Advantages

Best practise standards

Select only vessels and operators who strive towards best practise safety and operational standards. Search for vessels or operators with the highest scores who attempt to go beyond best practice to excellence in safety standards.

API Access

Seamlessly assess and manage the operational risk of your portfolios in real time by accessing RightShip’s Safety Score through your in-house management systems. RightShip’s customer support team will work with you to design and set up your bespoke Safety Score API.

Take immediate action

Follow customers’ inspections, Port State Control (PSC) inspections, detentions and deficiencies as they occur in real time, allowing you to act quickly as part of your robust due diligence program.