The Crew Welfare Self-Assessment Tool

Accompanying the Code of Conduct is a Self-Assessment Tool, which provides guidance on how to meet the Code of Conduct as well as how to track progress against three levels: basic, intermediate and excellent. Addressing social responsibility issues is a journey, and the Code of Conduct and Self-Assessment are not intended to be a one-time snapshot or overnight change, but rather showcase demonstrable progress over time to secure lasting and positive change for our seafarers. Naturally the earlier we all can secure the much-needed improvement and progress the better for all. 

Hosted by RightShip, the Self-Assessment Tool is free for any shipowner or manager to fill in. On completion, a Crew Welfare badge will appear on the company’s vessel page within the RightShip Platform. Ship owners and managers will be sent a pdf summary of your submission to share with clients and other interested stakeholders, and will be reminded to re-submit after a year. Having a Crew Welfare badge markets your vessel directly to RightShip’s due diligence customers in the RightShip platform and showcases your commitment to and investment in crew welfare best practices. Company self-assessments will not be made public with only anonymised, aggregated data used for progress reporting. 

The full content of the self-assessment submissions will not be visible to external parties on the RightShip platform. However, for all companies that complete a self-assessment declaration, a badge will appear on the company and vessel pages to signify your commitment to Crew Welfare. Data entered is unverified and does not affect your RightShip Safety Score, GHG Rating, Dry Bulk Inspection or Vessel Vetting outcomes. 

The Self-Assessment and your due diligence process 

We are reviewing how submissions could be verified as part of our vessel vetting and Dry Bulk Inspections process and welcome discussion from participants willing to collaborate. However, this is an opportunity to implement a consistent guide for long-term, systemic risks to seafarers, uniting all parties in a standardised approach to improve the working lives of all members of the maritime industry.   

If you are a ship owner or manager and an existing RightShip user: Once you complete the self-assessment, you will be able to log in to the RightShip platform to view your Crew Welfare badge on the company and vessel pages. You will also be able to see the status badge for other participating owners and operators. After completing the self-assessment, you will be provided a PDF summary of your submission via a confirmation email from RightShip. 

If you are a ship owner or manager but not an existing RightShip user: You do not need to be a RightShip user to submit or view your self-assessment. After completing the self-assessment, you will be provided a PDF summary of your submission via a confirmation email from RightShip. Should you want to see your badge on the RightShip platform please contact RightShip for a demo. 


Click here to get started with your Self-Assessment