Insights | Rightship

RightShip celebrates 20 years | Rightship

Written by Rightship | Oct 3, 2021 2:21:00 PM

In 2001, BHP and Rio Tinto recognised an urgent need to address maritime safety concerns. Avoidable tragedies were taking place far too often, particularly between 1988 and 1991, when almost 100 seamen perished on large bulk carriers, particularly off the coast of Western Australia.  

After Australia’s House of Representatives ‘Ships of Shame’ enquiry took place, these industry leaders knew that we needed a higher standard of vessel vetting so that they could ensure their chartering decisions were responsible. RightShip was founded in October 2001, with founding CEO Warwick Norman at the helm. Since then, we’ve expanded, with offices in Melbourne, London, Houston and Singapore. Today, RightShip is led by CEO Steen Lund, and we have an ambitious vision to play a key role in creating a maritime industry that causes zero harm.  

That means continuing to deliver our core vetting and inspections solutions to ensure maritime safety and welfare standards are maintained, and indeed, rise. In addition, we will continue to expand our suite of sustainability products and services to better protect the environment that we work in.  

All of this will take place in our digital Platform. We know that data and innovation will be essential to our progress, and we look forward to working with many partners to further enhance our offering in the years to come.  


Reflecting on where we’ve come from 

This month, we’re taking a moment to look at how our business has grown to serve the global fleet in the past 20 years. We invite you to visit our 20-year microsite, where you can find an article highlighting our history and growth and a letter from our CEO, Steen Lund, outlining our future objective. We also share our new mission and vision.  

In the coming weeks we will also share plenty of interesting facts and figures about our work and growth over time on social media.  


Here’s to the next 20 years  

Finally, we’d like to thank everyone who’s played a part in our story so far, this includes our customers, industry partners, associations, charity organisations and many more. Our team is looking forward to our continued relationship and new opportunities as we embark on a new era.  


Visit RightShip’s 20-year microsite